Delta Delta Chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity
A Heart-to-Heart Talk of the Old Grad to His Undergraduate Fraternity Brothers
The John T. McCutcheon illustration known as “The Old Grad” pictures Significant Sig Lawrence A. Downs ‘1894 seated in front of the fireplace in the Great Hall imparting “some extremely […]
Sigs Take First Step on Leadership Journey
Over a two-day period from May 24 -25, 37 undergraduates, nine Delta Delta alumni brothers, and seven outside facilitators took part in an intensive program on transformational leadership. This accredited […]
Bolles Table Perpetuates Family Sigma Chi Legacy
As we trace our history at Delta Delta we have learned several interesting stories about some of our chapter’s heirlooms. One of which is the large coffee table that resides […]
Sig Flag Flies Over Skies of Afghanistan
Now on display at the Sig house is a Sigma Chi flag that went through some harrowing times as it accompanied US Air Force Captain David Achramowicz ’01 on one […]
Homecoming 2022 Brings Back Class of ’82
It was a beautiful early fall day with perfect temperatures and sunshine abounding that welcomed all the Purdue alumni back to West Lafayette on September 24, 2022. With a primetime […]
Sigs Chip In To Preserve Ade’s Hazelden Estate
As pledges at Delta Delta we learn a great deal about the role George Ade ‘1887 played in establishing Sigma Chi as the prominent fraternity at Purdue. His early escapades […]