How Our Chapter Operates
Sigma Chi undergraduate brothers are responsible for managing the chapter’s affairs and maintaining the chapter house. Through our elected officers the different operations including finance, house maintenance, kitchen/meal service, social activities and disciplinary action are conducted.
Holding any chapter office requires commitment and a willingness to give your time for the benefit of others. Each undergraduate role provides leadership development experience and an opportunity to contribute.
University Guidance
Through Purdue’s Office of Student Affairs, the University provides guidelines and rules that govern the actions of all fraternities at Purdue. These include stipulations regarding academic performance, hosting social events, and monitoring pledge activities.
University rules are administered through the Interfraternity Council which is comprised of representatives from each of Purdue’s 41 fraternities.
Chapter Advisor and House Corporation Support
Our Chapter Advisor Team works closely with the chapter’s officers to provide guidance on chapter activities. Our chapter advisor’s ongoing involvement provides continuity and direction to chapter decisions.
Delta Delta’s House Corporation serves as the landlord of the chapter house and property. In this role it manages all housing contracts and collects all rents and fees. The House Corporation also provides assistance in chapter house maintenance, administering scholarship funds, and hosting alumni events. Brother Butch Brose ’09 works closely with the undergraduates as our Maintenance Director.
Have More Questions?
Any of our officers would be happy to answer your questions or provide more information on our activities. Our contact information is at Contact Us.