John E. Pomeroy
Delta Delta 1963
Election Date: 2024
John E. Pomeroy ’63, throughout his career, has contributed to the profound change in the international competitiveness of domestic electronics manufacturers and was a driving force in the establishment of the National Electronics Manufacturing Initiative through the consistent and unrelenting application of Sigma Chi values.
After completing his military service in the U.S. Army’s air defense artillery command in 1967 at 26 years of age, John began his career of six decades of exploding technical challenges and developments in the worldwide circuit board industry. John joined a division of Houdaille Industries as leader of its numerical controls division. In very rapid succession he assumed growing leadership responsibilities within the parent company. In 1975 he joined Excellon Industries (Torrence, CA) as its president, and he became president of Universal Instruments (Binghamton, NY) in 1985. The balance of his career reflects constantly growing executive leadership roles with the highly regarded Dover Technologies/Dover Industries, a NYSE and Fortune 500 corporation. This chain of increasing leadership responsibility and achievement in technology-based enterprises demonstrated John’s expertise, versatility, commitment, and impact in an increasingly complex and vitally important industry.
Collaborating with senior executives of the principal domestic electronic manufacturers, John was instrumental in creating the National Technology Trade Consortium. This organization represented over sixty companies engaged in electronics manufacturing to create measures and methods to compete effectively with international electronics manufacturers while still competing domestically. As a recognized leader in circuit board manufacturing John was invited by Steve Jobs, Founder & Chairman of Apple, and his manufacturing team to discuss “future electronic manufacturing possibilities.” Apple was searching for ideas in miniaturization for its future: iBooks, iPads, and Apple phones.
For all of John’s remarkable story go to Significant Sig John Pomeroy.