Sigs Gain from BLTW Experience

Sigs from across the country gathered at BLTW held at Bowling Green University.
Since 1947 Sigma Chi has been putting on the Balfour Leadership Training Workshop (BLTW). For many of us who have taken part in this conference, it continues to utilize alumni instructors who prepare our undergraduate brothers for leadership roles in their chapters.
According to Consul Matt Rittman ’18 this year’s participants spent a lot of time putting together Delta Delta’s strategic plan for the coming year. Joining Matt at BLTW were Pro Consul Seth Gutwein, Social Chair Sam Rudder, External Philanthropy Chair Austin Foote, Internal Philanthropy Chair Benji Hudson, Former Scholarship Chair Matt Twardowski, Derby Days Chair Jack Folkers, and House Manager Wes Middleton.

Significant Sig Scott Altman
Matt remarked, “We got some good ideas for improving the chapter house’s condition, increasing brother engagement, building on Derby Days success, and improving scholarship. We also spent time at officer breakout sessions learning from brothers in chapters across the country.”
One of the highlights, according to Matt, was getting to hear about the experiences of Significant Sig and astronaut, Scott Altman, who was the conference’s keynote speaker. This year’s BLTW was held on August 3-5 at Bowling Green University with almost 2000 Sigma Chi’s in attendance. BLTW is sponsored through grant funding by the Sigma Chi Foundation.
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