Leslie ’68 Appointed Assistant Grand Trustee

Tom Leslie ’68
Grand Consul Thomas Geddings, Jr. recently appointed Tom Leslie ’68, Assistant Grand Trustee for the North Central Province. He will work with the current Grand Trustee, Rich Hronek, ΖΛ ’69, assisting house corporations in fund-raising, leases, remodels, renovations, upgrades, alumni recruitment, as well as risk management issues. His duties will include visiting chapters and attending workshops and state days in Ohio, Indiana and Michigan.
History of Active Involvement
Brother Leslie served as Magister and Pro Consul as an undergraduate. In 1985 he became a member of the board of directors of the Sigma Chi House Corporation of Purdue University, where he served continuously until 2015. Twenty of those years he was its House Corporation President during which he participated in two major renovations of the Delta Delta chapter house. In 1988, $800,000 was raised to expand the dining room and basement living spaces, update the kitchen, and rewire the entire house. In 2007 Tom took an active role in the campaign to totally restore Delta Delta’s 95 year old (at the time) historic chapter house.
As a member of the Class of ’68, Tom has played a part in organizing reunions for his class which will hold its fiftieth anniversary reunion this Fall. Brother Leslie has been a Life Loyal Sig since 1992. In 2013 he was awarded the Order of Constantine.
Rendering Legal Assistance
As a lawyer in 2004, Leslie successfully argued risk management issues before the Indiana Court of Appeals. These dealt with the legal duty of fraternities and its undergraduate members to protect guests from assaults under principles of foreseeability, as well as issues surrounding vicarious responsibility of the local Sigma Chi chapter and the International Fraternity.
An Example to Others
Tom, we can’t think of a better of example of a brother who has exemplified the ideals of our Fraternity for so many years. We are certain your knowledge and commitment will help other Sigma Chi chapters, as you have contributed to Delta Delta.
Douglas Wilton 1963
Congratulations, Tom. Well earned and well deserved!