Senior Dinner Welcomes New Alumni Brothers

Front Row L-R: Brad Schrader, Riley Richter, Nate Graber, Will Gordon, Drew Schroeder Middle Row L-R: Jay Andrew (Chapter Advisor) Tom Sieber, Joe Shaughnessy, Jared Marcotte, Matt Rittman, Drew Cerny, Anthony Zipparro, Hernan Martinez, Will Todd, Nate Gustus (Chapter Advisor), Mike Andreone (Chapter Advisor) Back Row L-R: Felix Chaissang, Tyler Goudy, Preston Mantel, JT Garnett, John Reid, Nick Hale
House Corp Hosts Senior Dinner
Delta Delta House Corporation members Tom Hall ‘81, Butch Brose ‘09, Jim Vruggink ’71, Todd Kaminski ‘82 and Phil Steele ‘77 welcomed the Class of ’18 seniors into our alumni ranks with a dinner held at the chapter house on May 9th. Also in attendance to bid our seniors adieu were Chapter Advisors Nate Gustus ‘05, Jay Andrew ‘98 and Mike Andreone ‘07.
Words of Wisdom ???
Each of the “older” alumni took the opportunity to thank this senior class for their contributions and to pass on some sage words of wisdom. Each encouraged the newly graduated brothers to stay involved with Sigma Chi wherever they lived and to work hard to stay in touch with the chapter and their pledge brothers throughout their lives. As members of one of Sigma Chi’s most successful chapters, they have the opportunity to work with other chapters and pass on some of the experiences they have had.
House Corp President Tom Hall spoke to the “new alumni” stating, “Your Delta Delta Sigma Chi experience has been supported by many, many alumni brothers who have given the chapter their time and money so future generations of Delta Delta brothers would have the same undergraduate experience they did. I encourage each of you, as you go out and make your mark in the world, that you, too, give back and support the future generations of Sigma Chi’s that will follow in your footsteps.”
Jobs Await
All the brothers in the Class of ’18, who were graduating, have job opportunities with one headed for med school. Those that have another semester (or two) before graduating were heading off to summer jobs and internships.
We all look forward to watching these young men as they leave Purdue and begin their new careers wherever that might lead them. Congratulations to the Class of 2018!
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