Alumni Brothers Contribute to Horizons Experience

L-R: Dave True ’73, David Kratzman ’21 and Mark Sand ’71
Dave True ’73 and Mark Sand ’73 had the opportunity in June to spend a couple days at Sigma Chi’s Horizons program in Snowbird, UT as Distinguished Visitors.
Horizons is a leadership development experience for qualified undergraduate Sigma Chis with at least two years remaining in college, and who wish to improve their understanding of leadership as it relates to personal development, group dynamics, and intentional efforts to make positive change in the world.
The program is offered at no cost to the participants thanks to the generous support of the Sigma Chi Foundation and the Sigma Chi Canadian Foundation.
Brother Sand stated, “We were very impressed with the program and encouraged to see the caliber of active sophomore attendees fully taking part. They were supported by very capable and enthusiastic alumni who dedicated their time to make this investment in leadership possible.”
Mark remarked further, “When I listen to brothers describe the challenges that so many chapters endure with inadequate housing; unbalanced press reporting; negative pressure from the universities; and lack of alumni support; it brings home how much stress the whole Greek system is facing. Delta Delta has truly been blessed as a chapter.”
Dave and Mark enjoyed meeting David Kratzman ‘21, a ME major from Fort Wayne. Mark noted, “David loves Purdue, Delta Delta, his community and his family. When we learned his sun tan was acquired while mowing 50 lawns a week with his business partner, we knew the rush process had picked a winner! It was not a surprise David was selected to attend Horizons.”
We want to thank Brothers Sand and True for sharing their time and life experiences with so many undergraduate brothers.
Nicholas Fritsch 1959
Greek life has seemingly always been under the microscope. However, Mark brings clarity that it is growing more difficult. Delta Delta has always been Special. Blessed with great brothers who live life and accomplish so much good. And I hypothesize that the ideals of Sigma Chi and the strong bonds among our brothers are the difference makers. Great brothers transform to Great Alumni. I hope some of you will “Snap” “Snap;” if that practice remains alive in chapter meetings.
In hoc, Nick
Gavin Philipps 1995
I had the honor of being a guide this past week at Horizon’s with 8 young Sigma Chi’s from all over the country, and it was a special week. If anyone thinks back to their best memory in Sigma Chi, when felt you grew the most and were the proudest, that’s what this Horizon’s program is all about. If you don’t know much about it, I would encourage you to learn how this program is taking leadership to a new level. I applaud the alumni who came up with this program, and I thank all the brothers who contribute to it. It’s making a difference in the lives of Sigma Chi brothers and in every organization they are a part of. In Hoc, Gavin