Jim Chapin ’68 caught the essence and true spirit of his recent class reunion.  Although written for the Class of ’68, we think this truly speaks of the life-long friendships we build in our undergraduate days at Delta Delta.


Dear Brothers, my old friends,
It’s so good to be with you again.
We’re older now than when we first met,
Back in ’65, when we were boys, not yet men.

Dear Brothers, my old friends,
It’s so good to be with you again.
Remembering the times we shared in our college days,
When we grew from boys to young men.

Dear Brothers, my old friends,
It’s so good to be with you again.
Through the years my thoughts remained of you,
Of Sigma Chi, and Old Purdue, ever grateful, ever true.

Dear Brothers, my old friends,
It’s so good to be with you again.
We don’t know when we’ll be together again,
So until then, fraternal love, dear Brothers, my old friends.

James Ralph Chapin
Delta Delta 1968

One Response to “CLASS REUNION”

Larry Nicolet 1971

Well said Brother Chapin


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