Delta Delta Gains from Sig Summer Workshop
This year at the Krach Transformational Leaders Workshop (KTLW) was a great experience for the Delta Delta Chapter! It was held in early August at Bowling Green University in Bowling Green, OH. We were able to send six active brothers to the workshop. Alex Trachtman (Magister), John Hokanson (Assistant Magister), Jackson Ramey (Risk Manager), Joe Blake (Philanthropy), Jared Reutebuch (Rush), and myself, David Kratzman (Pro Consul).
Chapter Receives Top Recognition
Delta Delta was honored to receive the Dwight D. Peterson Award for excellent chapter operations for the 2018-2019 school year. This is an award we strive to receive each year. The chapter also was recognized with the Huntsman Derby Days Award for raising over $20,000 for the Huntsman Cancer Institute.
Brothers Gain Knowledge/Feedback
KTLW gave us the opportunity to work as a team to address problems and areas that we would like to improve on in the Delta Delta chapter, and brainstorm some ideas and solutions for those improvements. Some areas that we looking to improve are communications within the house on events, academics and accountability, and the new member processes including rush, pledgeship, and post-initiation training.
while brainstorming ways to improve the chapter. Their insights, wisdom, and advice were greatly appreciated, and we enjoyed listening to the stories and memories that they had while they were in school. We are thankful for opportunities such as this, and we appreciate the time that alumni take to come back and help!
Small Group Exec Teams Share Ideas
A large portion of the time at KTLW was splitting us up into small groups, and working with brothers from around the nation who were in the same Executive positions as ourselves. In the Pro Consul workshop, we focused on how to run Exec meetings, efficiently work with and oversee each member on the Exec team, and how to successfully complete Exec transitions at the beginning and end of terms. I was excited to see that the Delta Delta chapter has already put into place many of the recommendations discussed. These included using Google Drive to organize important documents as well as set up meetings between the Pro Consul and each Exec Member to go through goals and tasks that they wish to complete during their term.
Along with the rest of the Exec team I am looking forward to what this year is going to bring. We hope to take what we learned at KTLW and apply it at Purdue, and continue to improve the Delta Delta Chapter!
David Kratzman ‘21
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