Sigs Return to 202 Littleton During Challenging Times
Under the Protect Purdue Pledge over 40,000 students returned to Purdue’s campus starting the week of August 17 with classes beginning August 24th. Delta Delta opened its doors on August 19 to begin the move in process for the returning brothers. A move-in schedule was followed that spread out the arrival of the brothers so there was less congestion and fewer people at the house at any one time.
House Corp Creates COVID Plan

12 hand sanitizing stations have been placed throughout the house.
Our undergraduate brothers returned to their home away from home after leaving abruptly last March. Over the summer the House Corporation led by Tom Hall ’81, working closely with Butch Brose (Maintenance Director), Todd Kaminski ‘80 and Treasurer Chris Horney, created a Delta Delta COVID Plan to support the active chapter and provide some of the necessary items dictated by Purdue. Todd also donated PPE items to be used if a brother tests positive for the virus.
This included providing masks and hand sanitizer; rethinking how meals would be served; modifying sleeping arrangements; providing a quarantine area within the chapter house; and arranging for public rooms and bathrooms to be cleaned professionally six days a week.
House Corporation President Tom Hall ’81 stated, “Needless to say, we are heading into uncharted waters due to COVID. Our beloved fraternity house has seen worse in the past 100 years and there is no reason, with our help and leadership, that it won’t survive COVID and another 100+ years!”

A shower has been set up in a separate quarantine area.
Undergrads Busy Prepping for New Semester
Consul Dave Kratzman ’21, Pro Consul Eli Hedrick ’22, the House Managers Ryan Bird and Dawson Odle and Kitchen Steward Gerald Reutebuch ‘22 have all been working closely to keep the chapter informed on upcoming changes and the expectations of them to minimize the potential for contracting COVID 19.
Rush Chairmen Luke Diener ‘20, Chad Ransburg ‘21 and Cray Cordero ’22 are also making alternative plans for Rush events this fall. This will primarily center on Delta Delta brothers meeting rushees in small groups or one-on-one and providing feedback to the chapter. With alumni, brother and other recommendations, along with those that attended the summer rush event held in Carmel in July, there is a good list of potential recruits to reach out to.
Summer Chapter House Projects
Over the summer other updates to the chapter house were made. It began with five undergrads returning to campus to help Butch clean out the rooms. With leaving so abruptly in the spring, much of the normal end of semester cleaning had not been done. With the brothers contributing a long day to this effort, the chapter house was left in a condition that permitted the normal summer restoration work to take place.
Projects undertaken included removing the unsafe large oak tree on the SE corner of the house; recoating the hardwood floors in the Great Hall and Dining Room; replacing the three large area rugs in the Great Hall; replacing two heating system boilers; and upgrading the WiFi system.
Looking Forward to Life as It Was
It seems odd not to be inviting our alumni back for Homecoming and Purdue football games. We hope that many of our brothers are stating connected through Zoom and other means. Please know that the chapter house is in good hands and we look forward to renewing fraternity life as it once was at Delta Delta when this virus is defeated.
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