Are We Past COVID? Not Quite Yet.
It’s a little hard at this time to feel like the COVID pandemic is behind us. But even with the recent surge of cases due to the Delta variant, and with many of the Purdue students and Sigs vaccinated, the return to campus this fall seems a little more like normal.
Activities like Rush and sporting events are returning with the only requirement by Purdue is that masks must be worn while inside a Purdue building or classroom.
Summer Rush
Over the summer the undergraduates held a Summer Rush Event at the home of Graham Haines in Carmel. This gave several brothers a chance to meet a number of young men interested in Sigma Chi. With the rush process returning to normal, the Sigs are expecting a large turnout at their rush events. Presently they have received over 60 rush recommendations and over 200 freshmen have signed up for the first rush activity.
Three brothers Wes Dulin, Ben Sons, and Mike Yario attended the Krach Transformational Leaders Workshop held at Miami University in Oxford, OH from July 27 – 31.
Summer Improvements
Butch Brose ’09 has been busy as usual working diligently this summer to get the chapter house ready for the brothers return on August 18 when they could move in. The main undertaking was refreshing the Night Kitchen. This is a heavily used area and the updated kitchen now has stainless steel cabinets and countertops. The vinyl floor tile was removed and a more durable epoxy floor was put down in its place.
The parking lot also got its periodic maintenance with sealer and new lines and numbers applied. Butch also oversaw the planting and care of the new Class of ’77 Chapter Eternal Memorial tree on the house’s east side.
Other projects completed over the past 12 months included replacing the fire alarm panel; upgrading the chapter house’s wireless system; adding dimming lights in the Great Hall; replacing keypad locks on the front and back doors; and replacing the kitchen’s exhaust fan. These upgrades/repairs totaled $42,000 which were paid for from the Annual Fund.
Annual Fund
The second request for the Annual Fund was sent recently. We’d encourage every alumnus to take part in supporting this fundraising effort. It allows us to maintain the chapter house for future generations of Sigma Chis as you can see from our just completed summer maintenance projects.
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