SW Florida Delta Delta Alumni Luncheon Returns

The annual SW Florida Delta Delta Alumni Luncheon held in Naples, FL returned after a one year hiatus due to the Covid pandemic.
SW FL Delta Delta Alumni Lunch 1

Event organizer, Bernie Sergesketter ‘58 (center) and host Eric Morgan ’95 (second from left) with Rob Baumann 73, Mark Sand ’73 and Brad Black ’73.

5 Decades of Brothers in the Room

According to Bernie Sergesketter ’58, the luncheon held on February 10th went really well.  There were 19 brothers and four Sweethearts in attendance. Brothers were represented from the following decades:  50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s.

Bob Smith ’65 remarked, “I was pleased to see the Delta Delta luncheon have such a great turnout of younger Brothers. However at this point, I have to remind myself that almost all Brothers are younger.”

Force, Herrmann Update Guests

The luncheon guests received a brief history and update to the 2007 Chapter House Renovation campaign from Harold Force ’73, who led the renovation construction project.  Mark Herrmann ’81 also provided an update on his new role with the John Purdue Club.

Special Thanks to Morgan ‘95

Special thanks goes to Eric Morgan ’95 who hosted the event at the Club at the Strand in Naples.  Eric, who owns the Club at the Strand, generously donated the proceeds of the luncheon to the Future Fund.  Bernie Sergesketter remarked, “Eric, thanks again for hosting the Delta Delta Florida Luncheon at your beautiful Club, the food was delicious, the service outstanding, and the fellowship was awesome.”

2022 Delta Delta Luncheon Video Available

To get a complete look at this year’s special event at the Club at the Strand view the video, 2022 Delta Delta Alumni Luncheon.

Delta Delta Class of '73

Class of ’73 brothers: L-R: Brad Black, Mark Sand, Rob Baumann and Harold Force

Delta Delta Class of '95

Class of ’95 Bros: L-R: Gavin Philipps, Craig Johnson, Kevin Jacobson, Brian Griffiths, Mark Schellhase and Jeff Hosp

Gavin Philipps & Jim Smith

Gavin Philipps ’95 and Jim Smith ’71


Tom Clark '65 and Bill Frey '63

Tom Jenkins ’65 and Bill Frey ’62


Sig Sweethearts

Sig Sweethearts L-R: Kathy Jenkins, Anita McCabe, Pat Frey, and Mary Sergesketter


Bob Smith '65 and Mark Herrmann '81

Bob Smith ’65 and Mark Herrmann ’81


Tom Clark '65, Joe McCabe '60 and Duff

Tom Jenkins ’64, Joe McCabe ’60 and Duff McKenzie ’59


Jeff Hosp and Mark Schellhase

Jeff Hosp ’95 and Mark Schellhase ’95



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