Sigma Chi Fraternity Offers Alumni Leadership Training

Sigma Chi Fraternity is now providing alumni and undergraduates brothers the opportunity to take part in multiple leadership training opportunities.

Prominent Sigma Chi Alumni take part in the Transformational Leaders forums.

Sigma Chi Learning Consortium

The Sigma Chi Learning Consortium offers online content to help members foster leadership skills, build character and promote positive relationships. The Fraternity has partnered with best-selling authors, career authorities and thought leaders to provide monthly webinars for alumni of all life stages on topics around personal and professional development. These webinars will also feature Sigma Chi experts with the Signature Series, including topics such as career development, organizational updates and alumni spotlights.

You can easily access this content, including registering for live sessions and viewing recordings, via at

Sigma Chi Transformational Leaders Forum

As part of this Learning Consortium its most recent event was the Sigma Chi Transformational Leaders Forum, hosted by the Sigma Chi Foundation in January 2023. The event brought together four of Sigma Chi’s internationally renowned alumni executive leaders in Washington, D.C., for an exclusive panel discussing their careers and lessons learned in transformational leadership.

Participating in this forum are Significant Sigs Marriott International Chairman David Marriott, UTAH 1996; Chief Executive Officer Tony Capuano, CORNELL 1987; Former Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen, DUKE 1961; and Spirit Aerosystems Chairman Bob Johnson, MIAMI (OHIO) 1969. Moderated by White House Historical Association President and Significant Sig Stewart McLaurin, ALABAMA 1981, with special remarks by Sigma Chi Executive Director Michael Church, ILLINOIS 2005.

Click on TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERS FORUM to gain the insight of these prominent Sig leaders.


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