Sigs Take First Step on Leadership Journey
Over a two-day period from May 24 -25, 37 undergraduates, nine Delta Delta alumni brothers, and seven outside facilitators took part in an intensive program on transformational leadership. This accredited program designed by the Sigma Chi Leadership Institute sought to help identify each undergraduate’s core values and strengths and how they can apply them to future leadership roles.

Undergraduate and alumni Sigs taking part in Sigma Chi’s Leadership Journey.
Leadership Journey Take Aways
As a result of this Leadership Journey each participant left being able to …
- Articulate the role of values-based decision-making in transformational leadership.
- Apply the principles of strengths-based development and versatility for effective collaboration.
- Develop a personal mission statement that reflects core values and individual strengths.
- Create a plan that engages others in an organizational initiative to positively impact the campus and/or community.
Focus on Self
The initial sessions focused on each participant defining and selecting their top five core values and reviewing the results of the Gallup strengths based assessment tool that identified each person’s individual strengths. Combining their insight into their core values and strengths, each active brother created their own personal mission statement.
Focus on Chapter
As part of different groups, each Sig then sought to understand how their individual strengths and values could work in conjunction with other brothers in their group and ultimately as a chapter. This process allowed the brothers to determine how they could best work together leveraging their individual capabilities.

Brothers who have chosen to take an active role in the chapter’s revitalization process by learning to develop their own leadership talents and applying them to improving the chapter and community.
Focus on Community
The second day concluded with the teams all identifying various activities/events that could benefit the Purdue and broader community. Each group of undergrads presented their ideas to the larger group with the goal to implement one of them in the fall semester.
Moving Forward with the Revitalization Plan
This Sigma Chi Leadership Institute training program was the first step in equipping our younger brothers with the tools and understanding they will need to revitalize our chapter. By more fully recognizing how each brother has a role to play, the goal is to inspire these young men to be tomorrow’s leaders at Delta Delta and beyond.
The next steps of the Revitalization Plan will focus on specific areas of chapter operations. These include Recruitment, Preparation for Brotherhood (Pledgeship), Ritual Emphasis/Implementation and updating the chapter’s by-laws. Other areas also involve campus and community engagement.
As we move forward we will continue to ask our alumni to be involved and support this effort. It is the strength of our brotherhood that will lead us back to our leadership role at Purdue and within the Fraternity.
Douglas Wilton 1963
Thanks to Phil Steele and all who participated in this drill and continue to focus on reflection of values in individual and Chapter leadership and excellence.