Delta Delta Revitalization Update — August 2023
“As the house opens for the Fall 2023 semester, the Delta Delta Chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity finds itself with more momentum and good favor than any of the undergraduates have experienced since their initiation. During the spring semester, the brothers dedicated themselves to saving the chapter, fought through unprecedented adversity, and the chapter’s recent achievements reflect the early fruits borne from their labor.
Sigma Chi had the most improved GPA among Purdue’s fraternities last semester. As a result, we are ranked in the top fifteen in terms of GPA for the first time since the spring of 2016. Even with half the members compared to last year, Delta Delta was also awarded the top philanthropic chapter of the spring semester due to the success of Derby Days,” reported Consul David Kolssak.
Chapter Revitalization Initiatives
Following the multiple planning and training programs held at the end of the spring semester, teams of alumni and undergraduate brothers have been working diligently to prepare for the Fall semester. Through the direction of Gavin Philipps ’95 a number of initiatives are underway.
Rush/Recruitment Team
Delta Delta’s three rush chairmen Dillon Glass ‘26, Shane Bradley ‘25 and Reid Brenton ‘25 have been working closely with alumni led by Eric Miller ’95. Eric, along with David Kratzman, Jeff McKean ‘85 and Phil Steele ’77 have assisted in coaching the rush chairmen and providing any support needed. A complete rush schedule was developed and recruitment training for the brothers was planned.
Delta Delta held three summer rush events, two in Indy and one in Chicago, where they were able to meet over 30 young men interested in Sigma Chi. Through alumni recommendations and other sources, the Sigs built a list of approximately 80 candidates that they contacted weekly using “rush” emails that provided information on the chapter.
Recruitment is currently underway at Sigma Chi with a goal to pledge a class of 20 – 25 outstanding future brothers.
Pledge Program
Another team led by Magister Nick George ’24 with the engagement of alumni Nate Gustus ‘05, Ben Harris ‘04, James Cole ’98 and Phil Steele ‘77 worked through the many aspects of Sigma Chi’s pledge program. This involved outlining the complete pledge program schedule, the Big Brother program, and what would be covered in Post Initiation training.
Ritual Team
Ensuring the chapter is ready to conduct a meaningful ritual ceremony, Magister Nick George, Kustos Ethan Leibert, and Phil Steele have identified those brothers who will be part of Initiation. Parts have been assigned and we’ve reviewed all the materials required for the ceremony and ordered new items if needed.
House Management
The House Management team led by Butch Brose ’09, along with Jay Milligan, is working with House Managers Drew Folkers and Riley DiMarco to complete a schedule for the brothers to maintain the chapter house. The decision was made to not continue using the cleaning service which places the responsibility for cleaning on the undergrads. New guidelines regarding eating all meals in the dining room and the duties of the kitchen crew are also being implemented.
Alumni Mentor Program
As part of the Revitalization initiative over 40 alumni signed up to serve as a mentor for each active brother. As this program, which is managed by Sigma Chi International rolls out, the goal will be to develop strong bonds between our alumni and undergraduate brothers.
Undergraduate Leadership Training
Over the summer a number of Delta Delta brothers took advantage of Sigma Chi leadership training opportunities. David Kolssak ’25, Jack Ramsey ‘26, Max Bratchie ‘26, Cameron Milroy ‘26, and James Neff ’26 all attended the Horizons Leadership Summit at Snowbird, Utah.
In addition, David Kolssak and Mitchell Rittman ’26, took part in the Krach Transformational Leadership Workshop held at Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, OH.
Alumni Support
With only 29 brothers living in the chapter house this year, the active chapter is facing substantial financial challenges. In support of our Revitalization efforts Bernie Sergesketter ‘58 has challenged our alumni brothers to contribute an additional $80,000 to the Annual Fund. This goal is in addition to the $100,000 we need annually to address major chapter house maintenance projects.
Following the first of three Annual Fund requests for donations, we have received $80,663 of which $25,950 is designated for the Revitalization effort. We have had 168 contributors so far. With over 1400 alumni we believe our goal is achievable. The second Annual Fund mailing will be going out soon. We encourage every Delta Delta Sig to support our undergraduate brothers as they reestablish Delta Delta as the preeminent fraternity at Purdue.
James (Bo) Bockel 1969
Encouraging news. Throughout the years, our pledge class has always been supportive. Our big brothers in the class of 1968 set a good example for us and continue to do so today. Following in their footsteps, we will be having our first remote reunion next week. I am sure our reconnecting will include prayers for the continued progress to restore 202. Our iconic chapter has a significant and rich history in the story of Sigma Chi. From its very beginnings it has played an important role in maintaining the traditions of its founding. So many of us have been enriched beyond description by our time spent at 202. The struggles of late have been heartbreaking. We are thankful for all the brothers who have worked tirelessly and selflessly to save our beloved chapter for our past, present and future brothers. And for the chapter’s continued contribution to its historic place in the ongoing story of Sigma Chi. In hoc. Bo Bockel, Consul, 1969.