Consul’s Pin Honors Brother
It is an honor and sincere measure of respect to be elected Consul. The brothers who held this position since the chapter’s inception have led Delta Delta through its many accomplishments and trials. As a chapter we are deeply indebted to these men who so worthily wore the Consul’s pin with pride and distinction.
Inscription on Consul’s Pin

The inscription on the back of the Consul’s pin reads: R. Michael Oesterle ΔΔ ‘70
It is not commonly known that on the back of Delta Delta’s larger Consul’s pin (it’s approximately three to four times larger than the regular sized Sigma Chi pin) is an inscription honoring the memory of R. Michael Oesterle ’70. The Class of 1970 inscribed his name on the back of the Consul’s pin. According to Tom Turner ‘70, “Mike was president of our pledge class. He died on December 26, 1967, from lung cancer at the age of 19. He was initiated two months before his death, having struggled to leave his hospital bed to attend the ceremony. I wore the badge in his memory, and I’m thrilled to know that my successors have worn it as well for these past 55 years.”
Consul’s Service Recognized

Brothers who have served as Consul have a permanent place in Room 1.
Many of our most prominent and successful brothers have served as Consul. To recognize each Consul’s leadership at the end of his term, his photo joins the long line of Consul’s photos that rest on the picture rail that rings Room 1.
James Bockel 1969
Hi Tom, from across the decades. Wondering if the picture rail goes back to 1969 including Gary VonDerheide and myself? In hoc, Bo.