Trieschmann ’58 Recognized with Character-in-Action Leadership Award
Sigma Chi’s Mark V. Anderson Character-in-Action Leadership Award is presented to brothers who go out of their way to help others, promote citizenship and lead with integrity. Delta Delta’s Don […]
Famed Carmel Connection Returns for Brotherhood Dinner
The 27th Annual Brotherhood Dinner held on April 11th at the Delta Delta Chapter House was an “unsurpassed” success. The 30 alumni and over 60 undergraduates seated in the Great […]
McCabe ’60 Joins Ranks of Delta Delta Significant Sigs
Joe McCabe ‘60 has excelled throughout his life and career in whatever role he has been asked to play. This spring Brother McCabe was recognized as Delta Delta’s 50th Significant […]
Hall ’57 Thrills Crowd at Florida Sigma Chi Luncheon
The annual Southwest Florida Delta Delta Luncheon was held in Naples on February 24th with thirty brothers, sweethearts, and guests in attendance. Our speaker this year was Dick Hall, Class […]
Industry Leader Honored as Significant Sig
John Stone, ΔΔ ‘78, since his undergraduate days in Purdue’s Interdisciplinary Engineering program, has sought to find innovative ways to leverage technology to serve broader markets and impact people’s lives. […]
Bond of Brotherhood Leads to New Venture
Delta Delta brothers Grant Pope ‘12 and Zach Frauhiger ’12 formed a bond from their days living at 202 Littleton that has led this industrious pair to create their own […]