Author: thesighouse

Brothers at Sig outing

Delta Delta Brothers Enjoy Holiday Get Together A great contingent of Indianapolis area brothers gathered for Delta Delta’s annual holiday gathering at Daddy Jack’s on December 18th.  As usual the […]

Delta Delta brothers Riley Struck ‘19, Cooper Gramling ‘21, Owen Sackmaster ’21 and Parsa Khorasanizadeh ’21 attended Balfour Leadership Training Workshop last August.  Each took part in different leadership groups […]

Dave Omholt ’92, has recently spent time on Purdue’s campus as part of the University Residences’ Executive-in-Residence program. Begun in 2014 the program connects students from diverse backgrounds to alumni […]

Jim Chapin ’68 caught the essence and true spirit of his recent class reunion.  Although written for the Class of ’68, we think this truly speaks of the life-long friendships […]

From East (New Hamphire, Virginia, Georgia, and Florida) and West (California and Texas) and the Heartland in between, the Brothers of the Class of 1968 gathered in Brook, IN, at […]

It was great to see so many brothers return this fall for their class reunions.  Several classes returned on Homecoming weekend, while a couple of classes held special reunions on […]