Author: thesighouse

Sig Holiday Get Together a Good Time Sigs from multiple eras stopped by to share the spirit of the holiday season with their Delta Delta brothers. The annual Delta Delta […]

It is an honor and sincere measure of respect to be elected Consul. The brothers who held this position since the chapter’s inception have led Delta Delta through its many […]

Introducing the Class of 2028 Thirty new brothers entered the ranks of Sigma Chi on November 8 following the completion of their 5-week pledge program led by Magister Kevin McCarthy […]

Injun Summer illustrations

John T. McCutcheon’s most famous drawing is “Injun Summer.”  The cartoon first appeared on Sept. 30, 1907, on page 1, of the Chicago Tribune. McCutcheon, inspired by a string of […]

The chapter held its third Alumni Honors Dinner at the chapter house on November 8, 2024.  During the evening’s festivities five brothers received Significant Sig awards and another, the Ben […]

1982 - 1983 Sigma Chi composite

Sigs Celebrate Reunion at Homecoming Jay Smith ’84 reported that a number of his pledge brothers returned to Delta Delta to celebrate their 40th reunion at Homecoming, September 27-28.  Festivities […]