Sheehan Passes on Purdue Pete Tradition
Delta Delta has had an ongoing tradition of supplying at least one Purdue Pete, if not more, for the past 10 years. Kyle Sheehan ’19 is wrapping up his stint […]
Sigs Meet Drew Brees for a Good Cause
Sigs Get Chance to Meet Drew Brees Six undergraduate Delta Delta brothers, seniors Sam Coffey and Drew Greene, junior Austin Foote, sophomore Dominic Theodosatos, and freshmen Tyler Skiles and Eli […]
Brothers Gain from BLTW Experience
Delta Delta brothers Riley Struck ‘19, Cooper Gramling ‘21, Owen Sackmaster ’21 and Parsa Khorasanizadeh ’21 attended Balfour Leadership Training Workshop last August. Each took part in different leadership groups […]
New Venture Enhances Fraternity Recruitment
Fraternity rush continues to grow more challenging as the time allocated for recruitment becomes less and those interested in joining Sigma Chi and other top fraternities grows. So when Delta […]
Senior Dinner Welcomes New Alumni Brothers
House Corp Hosts Senior Dinner Delta Delta House Corporation members Tom Hall ‘81, Butch Brose ‘09, Jim Vruggink ’71, Todd Kaminski ‘82 and Phil Steele ‘77 welcomed the Class […]
2018 Sigma Chi Grand Prix Recap
Luck Not On the Side of Sigs in 2018 Grand Prix Sometimes the only luck you get is bad luck. That seemed to be the case for the two Sigma […]