News & Events
Sigma Chi 1969 Grand Prix Champion
As we compiled information on our chapter’s Grand Prix history, Gary Vonderheide ’69, sent in his reflections and details on Sigma Chi’s 1969 victory. This was Sigma Chi’s second time […]
33rd Annual Delta Delta Alumni Golf Outing Has Great Day
The sun shone brightly on the 68 brothers out on the Kampen-Cosler golf course on June 8th. The course was in great shape for the serious and not so serious […]
Derby Days Olympics Raises $25,000
Raising money to help beat cancer is the goal of Derby Days held each year at Delta Delta, but so is having fun. This year ten sororities took part to […]
A Sigma Chi Tribute to a True Sigma Chi
James A. Andrew (Epsilon Omega/Ball State) ’71 entered Chapter Eternal on April 11, 2024. At his showing over 40 Sigma Chi’s were present to take part in the White Rose […]
Why is the Chapter House Attached to a Rock?
One of Delta Delta’s long-standing stories of lore is the rock on the SW corner of the chapter house that is attached to the house by a heavy chain. Each […]
Sigs Celebrate at the Final Four
Brothers converged on Phoenix, the site of the 2024 Men’s Basketball championship, from north, south, east and west to cheer on Purdue. It had been 44 years since the Boilermakers […]